Company legal information
Persán S.A.
- Name: PERSAN S.A.
- Tax ID number: A-91.380.014.
- Telephone number: 954 99 83 50.
- E-mail address:
- Registered office: C/ Pino Albar 2, 41016 Sevilla.
- Commercial registry details: company registered in the Commercial Registry of Seville on Sheet SE-57.934, Volume 3.957 and Page 190.
Persán Polska, S.A.
- Company Name: Persán Polska, S.A.
- NIP: 527-272-39-10
- Seat Address: ul. Innowacyjna 10, 55-330 Wróblowice, Poland
- Telephone: +48 71 37 00 599
- Email:
- REGON: 360126239
- KRS: 0000529846
- District Court for Wrocław-Fabryczna, VI Division of the National Court Register.
- Share capital 100 000,00 PLN Paid-in capital 100 00,00 PLN